- Year -2025202420232022202120202019 - Category -PositionsPress releasesUpdates - Policy topic -Bioeconomy and Circular EconomyCAP and Rural DevelopmentClimate Change MitigationEU Forest StrategyForests' Health and ResilienceGovernance and LegalityNature and BiodiversityResearch and InnovationSustainable Finance Apply 22 October 2019 Updates Forests in the spotlight of the Finnish EU Council Presidency Finland holds the Presidency of the EU Council for the second half of 2019. Forests, as one of the priorities of the Presidency, have been discussed in several meetings and events. 11 October 2019 Positions Statement | Multifunctional European forests are crucial to reach the objectives of a European Green Deal Joint statement by CEPF, EUSTAFOR, COPA-COGECA, CEI-Bois, CEPI, EOS,ELO, FECOF, CEETTAR, UEF and Bioenergy Europe on the role of European forests in reaching the Green Deal objectives. 30 April 2019 Updates “Our Forests, Our Future” - The first high-level European conference focusing on forests On 25 - 26 April 2019, the European Commission organised a conference “Our Forests, Our Future” to analyse and discuss opportunities and challenges for enhancing the contribution of the forest sector to the main EU priorities. 20 February 2019 Updates Forest stakeholders call for a stronger EU Forest Strategy to reach United Nations and Paris Agreement goals Last December, the European Commission published a mid-term review on the implementation of the EU Forest Strategy. The report provides insights on progress in the implementation of each of the eight priority areas identified by the Strategy. 4 February 2019 Press releases Press release | Forest stakeholders call for a stronger EU Forest Strategy to reach UN and Paris Agreement goals Joint press release by CEPF, Cepi, CEI-Bois, Copa-Cogeca, EUSTAFOR, UEF and FECOF calling for an updated and stronger EU Forest Strategy. 11 January 2019 Positions Statement | Call for an updated and stronger EU Forest Strategy Joint statement by CEPF, CEETTAR, CEI-Bois, CEJA, Cepi, Copa-Cogeca, EFFAT, ELO, EUSTAFOR, FECOF, UEF and USSE calling for an updated and stronger EU Forest Strategy. Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous … Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Current page 9
22 October 2019 Updates Forests in the spotlight of the Finnish EU Council Presidency Finland holds the Presidency of the EU Council for the second half of 2019. Forests, as one of the priorities of the Presidency, have been discussed in several meetings and events.
11 October 2019 Positions Statement | Multifunctional European forests are crucial to reach the objectives of a European Green Deal Joint statement by CEPF, EUSTAFOR, COPA-COGECA, CEI-Bois, CEPI, EOS,ELO, FECOF, CEETTAR, UEF and Bioenergy Europe on the role of European forests in reaching the Green Deal objectives.
30 April 2019 Updates “Our Forests, Our Future” - The first high-level European conference focusing on forests On 25 - 26 April 2019, the European Commission organised a conference “Our Forests, Our Future” to analyse and discuss opportunities and challenges for enhancing the contribution of the forest sector to the main EU priorities.
20 February 2019 Updates Forest stakeholders call for a stronger EU Forest Strategy to reach United Nations and Paris Agreement goals Last December, the European Commission published a mid-term review on the implementation of the EU Forest Strategy. The report provides insights on progress in the implementation of each of the eight priority areas identified by the Strategy.
4 February 2019 Press releases Press release | Forest stakeholders call for a stronger EU Forest Strategy to reach UN and Paris Agreement goals Joint press release by CEPF, Cepi, CEI-Bois, Copa-Cogeca, EUSTAFOR, UEF and FECOF calling for an updated and stronger EU Forest Strategy.
11 January 2019 Positions Statement | Call for an updated and stronger EU Forest Strategy Joint statement by CEPF, CEETTAR, CEI-Bois, CEJA, Cepi, Copa-Cogeca, EFFAT, ELO, EUSTAFOR, FECOF, UEF and USSE calling for an updated and stronger EU Forest Strategy.