UCFF - Les Coopératives Forestières

75% of the French forest area belongs to many particular owners. Working together and sharing technical resources is a necessity in order to ensure the sustainable management, the harvest of those forests, and, in the end, the supplying of an ecological and renewable material of wood to the sawmills and to the paper and energy factories. The 17 forest cooperatives gather 110 000  forest owners in order to supply plant, give technical advises and reforest 25 000 hectares a year. Moreover, some cooperatives collaborate together with the GCF in order to develop research projects, digital tools, certification tools, etc.


President: Bertrand Servois

Secretary General: Tammouz Eñaut Helou

Website: https://www.lescooperativesforestieres.fr/


UCFF - Les Coopératives Forestières
9 rue Buffault
75 009 Paris

Tel number: +33 1 73 54 88 00