24 March 2021

The Conference gathered more than 250 participants and experts from Spanish and EU level. It was moderated by the journalist of "El País" Esther Sánchez and opened by the president of the Cortes de Castilla y León, Luis Fuentes, and the president de FAFCYCLE, Jesús Pestaña, and closed by the Minister of Development and Environment of the Board, Juan Carlos Suárez Quiñones.

CEPF had the honour and pleasure to participate to the event. Fanny-Pomme Langue, CEPF Secretary General, gave a presentation on the implementation of the CAP with examples from different countries and on forest owners’ expectations regarding the future CAP. During the presentation, she highlighted that the EU forest measures are fit for purpose, but that proper budget should be dedicated to these measures and their implementation should be simple and not too bureaucratic as it is the case in several countries.

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Isabel Aguilar, Deputy Director General in the Spanish Ministry for Agriculture gave an overview of the perspective of the new CAP in Spain.

María Gafo, deputy head of the Unit in European Commission DG AGRI, explained that the new CAP would be simpler and more modern, always keeping in mind the fight against change climate and employment in rural areas.

Nuno Calado, director of Centro Pinus de Portugal, listed the main problems that has the sector of the neighbouring country and how with associations and advice it is possible improve the sustainable forest management of the territory.

The second part of the event consisted in a roundtable with Francisco Carreño (COSE) Celsa Peiteado (WWF) Eduardo Moyano (CSIC) and José Angel Arranz (Junta de Castilla y León) on how CAP forestry measures should be defined to support forest owners to improve sustainable management of their forests.

Information about the event, including the recording of the meeting, is available here.