CEPF – the voice of European forest owners
The Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF) is the umbrella association of national forest owner organisations in Europe. Representing private forest owners in Europe, CEPF promotes the values of sustainable forest management, private property ownership and the economic viability of the forest sector.
Based in Brussels, CEPF is a non-profit organisation, representing the interest of nearly 16 million forest owners. These are private individuals, families and cooperatives, which take care of approximately 60% of the European forest area.
Our Mission
CEPF’s mission is to represent and promote the common interests of private forest owners in Europe, and specifically at the EU level. CEPF aims to foster reliable and fair political framework conditions and strengthen the position of European forest owners in all forest sector relevant policy processes. This is particularly important as the European and international forest policy is strongly influenced by many other sectorial policies, such as climate, energy, environment, trade and agriculture policy.

Our Objectives
- To contribute to the development, implementation and promotion of multifunctional, sustainable and active forest management, in order to safeguard economically viable, socially acceptable and ecologically sustainable forestry in Europe and around the world.
- To maintain and enhance healthy and vital forest ecosystems, which continue to provide a diverse spectrum of goods and services to society and the environment and to achieve a balance between the multiple interests and uses of forests.
- To enhance the competitiveness of the forest sector and ensure that sustainable income can be generated by the multiple goods and services that the forests and their management provide.
- To secure the acknowledgement of property rights, which guarantee a long-term commitment and sound and sustainable land management, adding to the prosperity and diversity of Europe’s landscape.
Our Activities
CEPF actively monitors and participates in all forest-relevant policy processes and initiatives, to maintain a strong voice for private forest owners at European level.
In Brussels, CEPF interacts with the European institutions, particularly with all relevant Directorates General in the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU.
CEPF has an active role in different Commission advisory groups, such as: Civil Dialogue Groups on CAP Strategic Plans and horizontal matters and on environment and climate change; Forest and Forestry stakeholder platform; Multi-Stakeholder Platform on Protecting and Restoring the World’s Forests; Carbon Removals Expert Group and CAP Network.
Besides cooperating with the EU institutions, CEPF is an active observer in several international leading governmental processes and organisations, which shape forestry and forest policy in Europe and worldwide.

Our Organisation
The CEPF Secretariat runs its operations in the European Forestry House, located at Place du Luxembourg in the heart of the EU quarters of Brussels.
The Secretariat is composed of international experts with diverse backgrounds relating to forestry and policy. The CEPF Secretary General leads the CEPF Secretariat in Brussels.
CEPF’s activities are steered by a Board of Directors, appointed by the annual General Assembly. The Board is geographically and politically balanced, with its 10 seats filled by representatives of the different national member associations. The Board is chaired by the CEPF President, Sven-Erik Hammar from Sweden (since June 2021).
The CEPF Working Group is the technical backbone of the organisation, bringing together various experts from all member organisations. It helps to provide the necessary technical input and expertise to the CEPF Secretariat, and secures strong communication and cooperation between members, and with the CEPF Secretariat.
CEPF from roots to crown