Hélène Koch

Hélène Koch

Senior Policy Advisor
+32 (0) 493 96 43 62
EU Forest Strategy
Forests' Health and Resilience
Nature and Biodiversity
Research and Innovation
Tim Hartl

Tim Hartl

Policy Advisor
+32 (0) 496 54 14 34
CAP and Rural Development
EU Forest Strategy
Governance and Legality

Dániel Komlós

Policy Advisor
+32 (0) 473 73 70 38
Bioeconomy and Circular Economy
Climate Change Mitigation
Sustainable Finance

Fanny-Pomme Langue

Fanny-Pomme Langue has been the Secretary General of CEPF since 2018. Her previous experiences include her role of Policy Director of Bioenergy Europe for five years; Policy officer in European Commission (DG ENER) for three years and Deputy Director of the French forest cooperatives association for 6 years. She is Board member and Vice-President of the European forest-based sector technology platform (FTP). 

Fanny-Pomme holds a master’s degree in European policies and institutions from the University of Louvain-la-Neuve, and a master’s degree in Agricultural and food processing law from La Sorbonne University. She speaks French, English and Spanish. 

Fanny-Pomme is a daily cyclist and a sport enthusiast, in particular running and hiking. She very much enjoys spending time in her home region Burgundy, France. 

Dajana bio

Dajana Kojić

Dajana Kojić has been the Office Manager at CEPF since 2023. Prior to this role, she gained extensive legalexperience as an Attorney at Law in Serbia, focusing primarily on civil and commercial law. She also worked as a legal consultant for a law office in Antwerp and as an office manager for a startup companyin Leuven. 

She holds a Master’s degree in Law, with a focus on the Vienna Convention on InternationalSales of Goods, from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. 

In her personal time, Dajana enjoys fitness, baking, and gardening. She also loves engaging in outdoor activities with her family, making the most of nature and quality time together.

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Hélène Koch

Hélène Koch is Senior Policy Advisor for CEPF, where she works since 2018. Her areas of expertise in forest-related EU policies relate mostly to environmental, climate change adaptation, research, and rural development policies. Before joining CEPF Secretariat, Ms Koch completed a traineeship within the DG Environment of the European Commission.  

Ms Koch is Belgian and holds degrees in MSc. in European Forestry and MSc. Forest Sciences from the University of Eastern Finland and the Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany. Prior to this, she completed a MSc. as Industrial Engineering in Agronomic Sciences in Belgium, specializing in environment and land management.

She speaks French, English, and German. Hélène is an avid reader, with a soft spot for Tolkien’s works, and boardgame enthusiast. 

Tim bio

Tim Hartl

Tim Hartl has been with the CEPF as an EU Policy Advisor since 2021. He holds a Master’s degree in European Public Administration from the Universities of Applied Sciences Kehl and Ludwigsburg. 

In prior positions, Tim worked in public sector roles in Germany and gained valuable experience in positions in Brussels at the European Milk Board and the European Commission (DG REGIO). His personal and professional interest in EU policy, agricultural and forestry issues led him to join CEPF. His main areas of expertise are rural development policy and policies aiming to halt global deforestation. 

In his free time, Tim enjoys to spend his time hiking or cycling in nature (preferably forests) with his family. 

Daniel bio

Dániel Komlós 

Dániel Komlós has been a Policy Advisor of the CEPF Secretariat and the Bureau of Nordic Family Forestry (NSF) since June 2023. 

As graduate in environmental resource management from the School of Agrilculture of University College Dublin and a geographer undergraduate of the Faculty of Science of Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, he has been working in policy around the primary producing sectors on member state and EU level. He completed a traineeship at the European Environment Agency and brings professional experience from the Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary, the Budapest Office of the Netherlands’ Agricultural Attaché Network (LAN) and Copa-Cogeca in Brussels. 

Dániel compensates his lack of a forestry degree with his personal passion for forests and forestry and spends as much of his free time as possible hiking and cycling in forests and forested areas.  


Alina Lehikoinen  

Alina Lehikoinen joined the CEPF team in August 2024 as a Junior Policy Officer. She holds a MSc in international forestry from the University of Freiburg, and a BSc in forest sciences from the University of Helsinki. 

During her studies she was active in the International Forestry Students’ Association (IFSA) for many years and gained experience in participating in various policy processes and platforms, organising events and running an organisation. In her graduate studies, she focused on forest policy and wrote her thesis about stakeholder participation in the public consultation of EU’s LULUCF Regulation.

Alina is Finnish and an animal lover who enjoys reading, cooking and boardgames in her free time.