Protective forests in the mountains
Austria is one of the most densely wooded countries in Europe. The protective effect of forests has a special significance in densely populated mountainous areas. In Austria, more than 20% of the forests are conservation areas. Without protection by forests many regions would be completely uninhabitable. In the Alpine areas, forests therefore do not only provide the raw material, timber, but also provide protection against avalanches, landslides and falling rocks. Only sustainably managed forests can ensure such effects in the long term.
Forest area:
3,9 million hectares = 47%
Land & Forst Betriebe Österreich
The Land & Forst Betriebe Österreich is the representative body of private forest owners and farmers in Austria. The tasks of Land & Forst Österreich are to provide proactive advice for members regarding their economic and environmental interests and to participate in forest policy decision-making processes. The aims of the federation cover primarily the maintenance and further development of private property and entrepreneurial freedom, healthy forests and fertile soils with the simultaneous production of raw materials and services.

President: Felix Montecuccoli
Secretary General: Bernhard Budil
Web site:
Schauflergasse 6
A-1010 Vienna,
Phone: +43 15 330 22 70