Green richness in the heart of Europe
The forests of the Czech Republic are amongst the most productive in Europe. The annual actual cut over 6 m3 per hectare is however below the annual average increment. Despite this high production, all the principles of sustainable forest management are being adhered to; over the past 50 years the total woodland has been increasing, the average forest age is rising and the total standing volume is increasing as well. Slowly the overall tree species composition is changing as natural deciduous growth is replacing the coniferous, spruce and pine. Gradually, the stabilisation and normalisation of forest property ownership, which were in the last one hundred years repeatedly violated by political developments after both World Wars, is being achieved.
Forest area:
2.6 million hectares = 35%
Association of Municipal and Private Forests Owners
SVOL - An association defending common interests of non-state forest owners. The Association of Municipal and Private Forests Owners in the Czech Republic (abbr. SVOL) is a voluntary organization associating communities-forest owners, corporate bodies established or formed by these subjects to manage this property, and by means of the association "Private Forests Chamber" private forests owners as well. The main objectives of the SVOL are as follows: participation in law-making, participation in the development of strategic documents and programmes, educational and consulting activities, international cooperation, joint timber trade, forest pedagogy. SVOL’s activities are penetrated by efforts to respect property rights, to reduce state dirigisme and bureaucracy, to balance the productive, ecological and social functions of forests, to increase the competitiveness of forest assets and to improve the professional level of their management.

Head of the Board: Stanislav Jansky
Secretary General: Marie Ruzkova
Representative in CEPF: Michael Podstatzky-Lichtenstein
Web site:
Mail contact:
K Silu 1980
CZ - 393 01 Pelhrimov,
Czech Republic
Tel./Fax: +420 565 324 203 or +420 565 323 421
For more information about SVOL, please see their presentation below.