Forest at the stormy seaside
Having experienced a decline in forest area to as low as 3% at the end of the 18th century the forests of Denmark has recovered to the current 15.8% of the land area.
Today’s forests are under regulatory protection and are mostly managed as multiple-use forests where timber production is still the main output but where also hunting, conservation and recreation values are of high importance. For many years, introduced spruce tree species were the most favoured trees to plant within forestry and afforestation projects, but due to recurring storm damage in established plantations and due to a decline in their profitability it has now changed. The tree species distribution is changing again, this time in favour of indigenous broadleaved tree species with better resilience and wind resistance.
In the latest years biodiversity has been topic for discussion in Denmark and it is decided to designate forest areas with no active forest management for biodiversity protection.
Forest area:
0.665 million hectares = 15.8%
Annual fellings:
3.6 million m3
The Danish Forest Association
The Danish Forest Association, founded in 1888, works to promote the business and professional interests of Danish forest and nature owners and the owners' ability to preserve and develop natural values. It is a community of interests that ensures that forest and nature owners are rewarded for creating values - and thereby motivated to create additional values in the forests and nature. The vision of the association is to promote the knowledge, freedom of action, reputation and opportunities for forest and nature owners to create values in forests and nature.
Head of the Board: Peter Arnold Busck
Managing director: Anders Frandsen
Web site:
Mail contact:
Dansk Skovforening
Amalievej 20, 1875 Frederiksberg C.,
Copenhagen, Danmark
Tel number: +45 33 244 266
Forestry in Denmark