A tradition of sustainable forestry
The high ratio of woodland area, which has been further boosted through the reafforestation of previously agricultural land, is a feature of land cultivated and developed by man in highly-industrialised Germany. Forestry and the timber industry are structural elements which branch out in many directions. The forest stands, which are being sustainably managed by 2 million forest owners, are characterised by their great diversity and growth performance.
Forest area:
11.4 million hectares = 32.7%
Federation of German Forest Owner Associations
The AGDW (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Waldbesitzerverbände e. V.) is an umbrella organisation covering 13 federal associations. It represents the common interests of private forests and forestry commissions in Germany in face of political decision-makers at federal level. The AGDW pursues the goal of maintaining and strengthening forest ownership in its diverse functions. The most important requirement for the fulfilment of the environmental and social claims made on forests is to have economically healthy forest undertakings.
President: Prof. Dr. Andreas W. Bitter.
Secretary General: Dr. Irene Seling
Web site: www.waldeigentuemer.de
Mail contact: info@waldeigentuemer.de
Reinhardtstraße 18A
10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel number: +49 30 31 166 7620