From state forests to privately owned woodlands

There are over 2.2 million hectares of forest in Hungary, from which app. 44% (app. 900 000 hectares) is in private ownership. As a result of the privatisation in the 1990s, approx. 400 000 forest estates were created, with an average area of 2.2 hectares. The compensation process after the regime change in Hungary resulted in a forest management system on a significant area of undivided joint property with an average area of 103 to 227 hectares each. The rate of frittered forest estates without a forest manager is high (nearly 30%) in a European comparison, the reduction of which is the biggest challenge for the forest sector.

The privately owned forest land is divided among 500 000 owners, but only around 38 000 to 40 000 actually manage the forests. Only 3 percent of the forest estates are larger than 10 hectares. The situation for forest managers is further complicated by the fact that the legal status of one-fifth of privately owned forest land, approximately 200 000 hectares, remains unresolved.

Forest area:
2.2 million hectares = 22.3%


Established in 1994, MEGOSZ (National Association of Hungarian Private Forest Owners and Managers ) is the only nationwide federation for the representation of the interests of forest owners and forest management professionals in Hungary. The association is managed by a board of 8 members, and its central office is found in the Forest Information Centre in Budapest. The association has approximately 1000 members, who own a forested area of nearly 200 000 hectares in total. 

MEGOSZ has always worked to preserve and enhance Hungary's forests, while prioritizing the maximum protection and recognition of private ownership. One of its key objectives is advocacy for favorable policy decisions, as well as ensuring a clear legal framework and sustainable funding. MEGOSZ is becoming a recognized partner in forest policy. MEGOSZ actively participated in the elaboration process of the National Forestry Scheme, and the evaluation of the Forestry Act.

On 1 June, 2024 a new Board took office at MEGOSZ. Building on the high-quality work of the previous Board, we aim to continue representing the interests of forest owners and managers effectively, providing them with all our support for successful forest management.

Improving communication with our members is one of our top priorities. We are also focused on strengthening cooperation with various professional organizations, both nationally and internationally.


President: Dénes Dombóvári

Managing President: Ildikó Dósa 

Web site:

Mail contact:

Budakeszi u. 91
H-1021 Budapest

Tel number: +36 13 914 290 or +36 30 455 3912

Fax: +36 13 914 299