Forest cover of Slovenia is about 1.2 million hectares, which represents almost 66% of the Slovenian territory. Nearly 75% of the total forest area is privately owned. There are 318 000 private forest estates and only about 150 of them are bigger than 150 hectares. Less than 50% of the forests are owned by family farms and the average size of these farms is 5.1 hectares.
Forest area:
1.2 million hectares = 66%
The Forest Owners' Association of Slovenia
The Forest Owners' Association of Slovenia (ZLGS) was founded in 2006. The association represents 29 local forest owners’ societies and about 4000 forest owners. The aim of the association is to promote the development of private forestry and private forest ownership, as well as sustainable management of Slovenian forests. The association works in support of the increased forest owners’ economy and management as well as the implementation of forest and hunting legislation. Some of the tasks include organisation of common sales of timber, trainings and education, common purchase of tools, machinery and safety equipment and forest certification.

President: Marjan Hren
Secretary General: Mihael Koprivnikar
Mail contact:
Slovenska vas 5
8320 Šentrupert
Tel. number: +386 22 284 916
For more information about the Forest Owners Association of Slovenia, please see their presentation below.