The Austrian Forest Owners' Cooperative (Waldverband Österreich)
The Austrian Forest Owners' Cooperative (Waldverband Österreich) is a specialized organization of the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture and offers his eight regional associations a platform for joint activities. Main tasks are the coordination and representation of the interests of the regional cooperatives on federal level.
Through the joint activities, especially the production and the joint marketing of wood by the regional cooperatives the entire Austrian forestry will be promoted. A special concern is the sustainable wood supply of all customers in order to secure Austria as a location for the forestry and wood processing industry. The activities are not for profit.
More than 70 000 forest owners are members of the Austrian cooperatives. This accounts for 48% of the total number of forest owners in Austria in 2018. They represent a forest area of 1.060.000 hectares and supply the market with 3.29 million cubic meters of wood in 2018.
Waldverband Österreich supports its members with the following activities:
• representation of the regional forest cooperatives at state level
• promotion of Austrian forestry - in particular production and sales of wood and biomass
• implementation of Community rules for timber market;
• forest services and logistics;
• implementation of a PEFC certification;
• supply of wood biomass for heating and
• marketing activities for Christmas trees.
Chairman: Rudolf Rosenstatter
Vice-chairman: Paul Lang
Managing Director: Martin Hoebarth
Web site:
Mail contact:
Schauflergasse 6
A-1015 Wien, Austria
Tel number: +43 1 53 441 8590
Fax number: +43 1 53 441 8529
For more information about the Austrian Forest Owners' Cooperative, please see their presentation below.