- Year -2025202420232022202120202019 - Category -PositionsPress releasesUpdates - Policy topic -Bioeconomy and Circular EconomyCAP and Rural DevelopmentClimate Change MitigationEU Forest StrategyForests' Health and ResilienceGovernance and LegalityNature and BiodiversityResearch and InnovationSustainable Finance Apply 4 April 2019 Updates AGRI-Committee of the European Parliament adopts its report on CAP Strategic Plans regulation On 2 April, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI Committee) of the European Parliament has adopted its reports on CAP Strategic Plans Regulation. This Regulation encompasses rural development interventions, which are of high importance for the forest sector. 18 March 2019 Updates Press release | Cutting Rural Development funding in the next CAP makes no economic, environmental or political sense Joint press release by the Rural Coalition (CEPF, CEJA, CIC, Copa-Cogeca, ELO, FACE and UECBV) on its statement "Empowering rural areas in the CAP post-2020". 18 March 2019 Positions Statement | Empowering rural areas in the CAP post-2020 Joint statement by the Rural Coalition (CEPF, CEJA, CIC, Copa-Cogeca, ELO, FACE and EUCBV) on empowering rural areas in the CAP post-2020. 22 February 2019 Positions Feedback on the European Commission Roadmap: Review of Agricultural State aid Guidelines and ABER The Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF) welcomes the European Commission initiative to review the Agricultural State aid Guidelines and the Agricultural Block Exemption Regulation (ABER). Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Page 2 Current page 3
4 April 2019 Updates AGRI-Committee of the European Parliament adopts its report on CAP Strategic Plans regulation On 2 April, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI Committee) of the European Parliament has adopted its reports on CAP Strategic Plans Regulation. This Regulation encompasses rural development interventions, which are of high importance for the forest sector.
18 March 2019 Updates Press release | Cutting Rural Development funding in the next CAP makes no economic, environmental or political sense Joint press release by the Rural Coalition (CEPF, CEJA, CIC, Copa-Cogeca, ELO, FACE and UECBV) on its statement "Empowering rural areas in the CAP post-2020".
18 March 2019 Positions Statement | Empowering rural areas in the CAP post-2020 Joint statement by the Rural Coalition (CEPF, CEJA, CIC, Copa-Cogeca, ELO, FACE and EUCBV) on empowering rural areas in the CAP post-2020.
22 February 2019 Positions Feedback on the European Commission Roadmap: Review of Agricultural State aid Guidelines and ABER The Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF) welcomes the European Commission initiative to review the Agricultural State aid Guidelines and the Agricultural Block Exemption Regulation (ABER).