The forest - a green fortress
The inhabitants of Luxemburg see their forests as a green fortress which, in addition to its production value, offers its inhabitants the splendid vision of what is in some way «their » forest. Because of the pronounced relief of the country, the geological and climatic conditions result in very varied climatic conditions which enable Luxemburg's forest owners to achieve a great diversity of planting in a relatively restricted area due to adaptation of species to sites.
Forest area:
92 150 hectares = 35.2%
Family Forestry Luxembourg (Letzebuerger Privatbesch)
- 1933: foundation of the forestry society GDL
- WWII: cessation of activities
- 29 January 1947: resumption of activities and foundation of Groupement des Sylviculteurs asbl
- 2008: Adoption of a new corporate identity & communication under the form of «LëtzebuergerPrivatbësch»
President: Hubert de Schorlemer
Web site:
Mail contact:
2, Am Foumichterwee
L-9151 Eschdorf
Tel number: +352 89 956 510
Fax: +352 89 956 840
For more information about the Family Forestry Luxembourg, please see their presentation below.