CAP Network Assembly
After the launch of the CAP Network in October 2022, the CAP Network’s Assembly took off with its first meeting on 6 March 2023. During the meeting, the Commission outlined the CAP Networks’ governance structure and gave an outlook on the various upcoming networking activities and different Thematic Groups (TG) under the CAP Network (amongst other on ‘CAP Strategic Plans (CAP SPs) Implementation’ and on ‘Innovation and Knowledge Exchange’). Furthermore, the Commission’s Directorate General for Agriculture (DG AGRI) made a presentation about the implementation of the CAP SPs.
Shortly after the Assembly meeting, CEPF also contributed to a first forest-specific event under the CAP Network. On 16 March, the TG on Forest-Dominant Rural Areas and Municipalities had its first meeting. This TG has two main strands. First, it provides an opportunity to explore needs and issues of forest-dominant rural areas and municipalities and highlights the various opportunities that forests bring to the people. It would lay the groundwork for the potential development of a new network in the frame of the EUFS . Second, it will focus on what the CAP can do to support their needs and enhance forest-related opportunities and benefits. CEPF contributed to the meeting with a presentation of case a example from Oberammergau (Germany) on forest pasture reorganisation to support natural forest development.
Further information on the meeting of the CAP Network Assembly (including all presentations) is available here.
Further information on the meeting of the Thematic Group on Forest-Dominant Rural Areas and Municipalities is available here.
Civil Dialogue Group (CDG) on CAP Strategic Plans and Horizontal Matters
On 13 March, members of the CDG on CAP Strategic Plans and Horizontal Matters came together for a first meeting, with the objective to introduce members, to exchange on rules of procedure and on topics relevant for the launch of the CAP Strategic Plans. DG AGRI presented key elements of the CAP SPs as well as the upcoming implementation phase and announced the publication of a detailed overview on them in April 2023.
Further information about the CDG on CAP SPs and Horizontal Matters is available here.
Civil Dialogue Groups (CDG) on Environment and Climate Change
On 17 March, also the CDG on Environment and Climate Change started its work with a meeting of its members. The group’s meeting started with an introduction of members, followed by presentations from the Commission on key policies related to Environment, Climate Change, and Rural Areas and that are currently under discussion (amongst others, on CAP SPs, the LULUCF Regulation, Carbon Removal Certifications, the Nature Restoration Regulation, and the Soil Health Law).
Further information about the CDG on CAP SPs and Horizontal Matters is available here.