The Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU organised two meetings for EU Directors. One for EU Forest Directors, in Lakitelek, and one for EU Nature Directors, in Tata. CEPF representatives took part in both meetings.
CEPF would like to thank again the Hungarian Presidency for the kind invitation to participate and contribute to these meetings.
Meeting of the EU Forest Directors
On 9 to 11 September, the Hungarian Presidency of the Council organised a meeting for EU Forest Directors, in Lakitelek. Ms Fanny-Pomme Langue, CEPF Secretary General, took part in this meeting.
The first day of the meeting covered three working sessions on:
- Vulnerability of forests under climate change
- Carbon storage in forests and wood products
- Innovation directions in forest
CEPF together with Copa-Cogeca and EUSTAFOR expressed the views of European forest owners and managers on these three topics through joint statements.

On the second day of the meeting participants were taken to a guided fieldtrip in forests in the surrounding of Varga farm. The forests of this areas are specific as they develop in a drought intensive context.

Meeting of the EU Nature Directors
On 30 September to 2 October, the Hungarian Presidency of the Council organised a meeting for EU Nature Directors in Tata. Ms Hélène Koch, CEPF Senior Policy Advisor, took part in this meeting.
The meeting meeting was dedicated to dedicated to working group discussions on the implementation of the recently officially published nature restoration regulation. Key aspects, such as national planning, financing, stakeholder involvement and cooperation across the different sectors were addressed.
Ms Amila Meškin, EUSTAFOR Senior Policy Advisor, presented an outlook from farmers, forest owners and managers on the implementation of the EU Nature Restoration Implementation, with a focus on the preparation of the national Restoration Plans.

The meeting participants had the opportunity to visit the Fényes Nature Trail and the Education Centre for Nature Conservation and Human Ecology, Ecovillage.