The conference was opened by Robert Mavsar, Deputy Director of the European Forest Institute (EFI) followed by introduction of both projects. Georg Winkel (EFI), SINCERE project coordinator, described how demands and expectations for forest ecosystem services (FES) are evolving, with different responses from owners. Harald Vacik (BOKU), Nobel project coordinator, presented how Nobel project has explored alternative mechanisms for the payments for ecosystem services (PES), such as web-based auctioning platforms, as well as an indicator framework to evaluate the effect of management practices with forest ecosystem models.
The opening and introduction was followed by four sections of which the three first ones consisted of presentations and the last one was a panel discussion with CEPF Secretary General Fanny-Pomme Langue as one of the speakers panelists. After the panel discussion the floor was opened for questions and remarks. Please find the presentations and recordings of each section below:
1. An overview of forest ecosystem services in Europe
Marko Lovrić (EFI) - Forest owners and ecosystem services across Europe
Gerhard Weiss (BOKU) - Innovations in forest ecosystem services across Europe
2. Providing forest ecosystem services
Sven Wunder (EFI) – Paying for ecosystem services (PES): state of the art
Harald Vacik (BOKU) & Bart Muys (KU Leuven) - Role of forest management in innovations supporting forest ecosystem services
Bo Jellesmark (University of Copenhagen) & Logan Bingham (University of Lisbon) - Auction cases from Denmark and Portugal
3. Policies for enhancing forest ecosystem services
Georg Winkel (EFI) & Helga Pülzl (EFI) - The politics of FES in Europe: Changing societal perceptions and conflicting policy views
Mireia Pecurul (CTFC) & Irina Prokofieva (CTFC) - Stakeholder engagement and participation in Forest Ecosystem Research
4. Panel discussion: the way forward for forest ecosystem services
Eva Müller, Director-General for Forests, Sustainability and Renewable Resources Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Germany
Eeva Primmer, Research Director of the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE
Fanny-Pomme Langue, Secretary General of the Confederation of European Forest Owners