14 March 2022

European forest owners strongly condemn the Russian aggression against Ukraine’s sovereignty. Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine whose freedom and lives have been deprived by Russia.

European forest owners support the actions taken to stop Russia’s attack. The decision of PEFC to categorise all timber originating from Russia and Belarus as ‘conflict timber’ and the decision of FSC to suspend all trading certificates in Russia and Belarus are the only right things to do as there are no trade-offs when it comes to human rights. 

European Forest Owners are ready and available to work together to find solutions for Europe to become more self-sufficient. We are ready to support to our best the Ukrainian forest community to overcome the consequences of the war.

As a confederation representing family forest owners and highly respecting family values we are extremely saddened for the families that are torn apart because of the war and call the violence to be stopped now and the suffering and oppression of the people of Ukraine ended.

We stand with Ukraine.