26 March 2021

With the aim of agreeing on how to manage forests in Europe, the FOREST EUROPE process hosts periodically ministerial level conferences where ministerial commitments and resolutions are adopted. This 8th intergovernmental summit, subtitled “The Future We Want: The Forests We Need”, is aimed to take political commitments by countries in Europe and the European Union on strategic framework and actions towards sustainable forest management in Europe for this decade.

The sustainable forest management definition, criteria and indicators that have been agreed upon and endorsed by more than 40 countries (including all EU countries) under the FOREST EUROPE process are the foundation of EU forest management practices. FOREST EUROPE reports regularly on the state of European forests and the latest report was published in December 2020.

As a FOREST EUROPE observing member, CEPF will participate to the Ministerial Conference. CEPF President, Hubert de Schorlemer, will give a joint statement during the second Ministerial Roundtable on sustainable forest management on 15 April. CEPF Secretary General, Fanny-Pomme Langue, has been invited to a panel discussion during the first Ministerial Roundtable on adapting forests to changing climate on 14 April.

Due to the regulations and constraints related to the coronavirus pandemic, the Conference will be held in a virtual format. More information can be found on the FOREST EUROPE website here.