12 December 2022

Liubov Poliakova from the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine presented a status-quo report with a focus on the current situation of the various aspects of the forest sector due to the war-related breakdowns and effects. Currently, around 20% (2,9 M ha) of the Ukrainian forests are affected by the war. In addition to forest, there has also been drastic damage or destruction on forest sector real estate and equipment. With regards to logging, special attention is given to firewood as Ukrainian people are experiencing lack of heating and electricity. One of the big challenges are forests contaminated with landmines which among others prevent actions to extinguish forest fires that have drastically increased due to war. Currently most of the demining efforts focus on the agricultural land and demining of the forests moves in very slow pace. After Ms. Poliakova’s presentation, the meeting participants exchanged and identified the areas on which more information regarding the situation in Ukraine is needed.

Priority needs for Ukrainian forest restoration and development were presented by Anatolii Borsuk representing the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resource in Ukraine. The short-term priority needs go hand in hand with the current situation presented in the status quo report. Among the short-term priorities action is needed regarding demining, the lost real estate and equipment, prevention and extinguishing of forest fires, the lost planting capacity and reforestation/afforestation, and rebuilding forest transport infrastructure.

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During the meeting, an overview of the ongoing and planned actions by signatories and observers to support the Ukrainian forest sector was given by Silvia Abruscato from FOREST EUROPE Liaison Unit Bonn. FAO’s actions were presented by Mikhail Malkov from FAO Office in Ukraine. Among others, FAO is launching a resource mobilization campaign to address immediate emergencies.