Press release | Multifunctional forests hold the key to reaching the EU’s climate and biodiversity objectives
21 January 2020
Joint press release of CEPF, Copa-Cogeca, ELO and EUSTAFOR on the event "Seeing the forest for the trees - the multifunctional role of EU forests".

Joint statement | Climate change and forest fires in Europe – Downward circle must be avoided!
20 March 2019
Joint statement of CEPF, Copa-Cogeca, ELO and EUSTAFOR on climate change and forest fires in Europe.

Press release | EP Committees’ report Taxonomy for Sustainable Investment - improvements made but still not satisfactory
12 March 2019
Joint press release on the European Parliament Committees' report Taxonomy for Sustainable Investment by CEPF, Copa-Cogeca and EUSTAFOR.
Land & Forst Betriebe Österreich

Press release | Cutting Rural Development funding in the next CAP makes no economic, environmental or political sense
18 March 2019
Joint press release by the Rural Coalition (CEPF, CEJA, CIC, Copa-Cogeca, ELO, FACE and UECBV) on its statement "Empowering rural areas in the CAP post-2020".

Statement | Empowering rural areas in the CAP post-2020
18 March 2019
Joint statement by the Rural Coalition (CEPF, CEJA, CIC, Copa-Cogeca, ELO, FACE and EUCBV) on empowering rural areas in the CAP post-2020.

Press release | Forest stakeholders call for a stronger EU Forest Strategy to reach UN and Paris Agreement goals
4 February 2019
Joint press release by CEPF, Cepi, CEI-Bois, Copa-Cogeca, EUSTAFOR, UEF and FECOF calling for an updated and stronger EU Forest Strategy.

Statement | Call for an updated and stronger EU Forest Strategy
11 January 2019
Joint statement by CEPF, CEETTAR, CEI-Bois, CEJA, Cepi, Copa-Cogeca, EFFAT, ELO, EUSTAFOR, FECOF, UEF and USSE calling for an updated and stronger EU Forest Strategy.

Press release | The EU Forest Strategy post-2020 must also be a strategy with and for forest owners and managers!
3 February 2021
Joint press release by CEPF, Copa-Cogeca, EUSTAFOR and ELO following the meeting with the Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski, to discuss the sector's growing concerns on the way in which the implementation of the EU Green Deal currently addresses forestry issues.

Forging a climate-resilient Europe - the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change
25 February 2021
On 24 February 2021, the European Commission adopted the New EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change. With constantly increasing impacts of climate change, the Strategy is a timely tool for the EU in its efforts to make Europe, including its forests, climate resilient.

INForest – a new digital platform presenting forest information by FAO and UNECE
23 March 2021
FAO and UNECE have launched a new data and knowledge platform for forests in the UNECE region called INForest. The news platform was created with an aim to present information in a more user-friendly way for users such as media and general public.