European forest owners’ representative to continue as the Chairman of the Civil Dialogue Group on Forestry and Cork
24 November 2020
António Paula Soares, Member of the Board of the Confederation of European Forest Owners and Member of the Board of the Confederation of Portuguese Farmers, was elected as the Chair for the Civil Dialogue Group (CDG) on Forestry and Cork for a second mandate.

CEPF is seeking a Junior EU Policy Officer
10 December 2020
The Confederation of European Forest Owners (CEPF) is recruiting a Junior EU Policy Officer to support its work. Deadline for applications is 15 January 2021.

State of Europe’s Forests 2020 report
17 December 2020
On 17 December 2020, FOREST EUROPE published the State of Europe’s Forests 2020 report (SoEF 2020) which presents recent official figures and information on European forests, their management, policies, institutional and legal frameworks in the FOREST EUROPE signatory countries.

RED II Stakeholder seminar
14 December 2020
CEPF shared European forest owners' views on the Renewable Energy Directive and the needed revisions in a stakeholder consultation seminar organised by the European Commission.

What does the EU policy framework offer for the provision of forest ecosystem services?
8 December 2020
A joint event of SINCERE project and Integrate network debated what does the EU policy framework offer for the provision of forest ecosystem services and how it should be improved.

Two new publications on European ecosystems
19 October 2020
This autumn, two reports focusing on the status of European ecosystems were published. The “State of Nature in the EU”, and the “MAES: an EU-wide ecosystem assessment” both provide insights on current trends and challenges faced by European ecosystems, including forest.

CEPF feedback on the Delegated Act addressing Climate Change in Taxonomy Regulation
17 December 2020
CEPF feedback on the Delegated Act addressing Climate Change in Taxonomy Regulation: "The Delegated Act discards the core of the forest sector - the Sustainable Forest Management, and it´s lacking reality of the actions on the field."

Press release | #ForestBiodiversity - A new platform to show how SFM supports biodiversity preservation
12 October 2020
Joint press release of CEPF, Cepi, EUSTAFOR, Copa-Cogeca, CEI-Bois and ELO on the launch of the new awareness campaign on forest biodiversity and sustainable forest management.

Press release | Parliament paves the way for the EC to propose an ambitious and self-standing EU Forest Strategy
8 October 2020
Joint press release of CEPF, Copa-Cogeca and EUSTAFOR on the European Parliament AGRI Committee report "European Forest Strategy - the way forward".

Statement | The New EU Forest Strategy: 3 reasons to endorse the committee report
28 September 2020
Joint statement of 17 organisations representing European forest sector calling European Parliament to endorse and confirm the report on the new EU Forest Strategy ahead of the plenary vote.

Press release | Hotspots of biodiversity: The role of sustainable forest management in Europe
9 September 2020
Joint press release of CEPF and EUSTAFOR on the conference "European Forests: Hotspots of Biodiversity".

Press release | Cuts to rural development budget unacceptable
18 February 2020
Joint press release of the Rural Coalition (CEPF, CEJA, CIC, Copa-Cogeca, ELO, Euromontana, FACE and UECBV) under the event "Amplifying local voices: Addressing rural development in the CAP post 2020".