CEPF President takes part in a panel discussion during the Conference on Forests for Biodiversity and Climate
17 February 2020
On 3 and 4 February, the European Commission organised an International Conference on Forests for Biodiversity and Climate in Brussels. Among the speakers, CEPF President, Hubert de Schorlemer, represented European Private Forest Owners.

FISE’s website launched on 4 February 2020
19 February 2020
Foreseen in the EU Forest Strategy to 2020 as the hub for data and information on forests and forestry in Europe, the Forest Information System for Europe (FISE) was launched during the European Commission’s conference on Forests for Biodiversity and Climate.

CEPF Feedback on the European Commission Roadmap: European climate law – achieving climate neutrality by 2050
5 February 2020
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges in this millennium and the paths towards reaching the carbon neutrality objective are therefore essential to organise. In this respect, CEPF welcomes the European Commission initiative to propose a European Climate law.

European Commission presents its proposal for Climate Law and launches a public consultation on Climate Pact
6 March 2020
On 4 March 2020, the European Commission presented its proposal for European Climate Law to establish a legal framework to reach the Green Deal goal for Europe to become climate neutral by 2050, and launched a public consultation on European Climate Pact.

International Day of Forests 2020 and the key role of European forest owners in enhancing forest biodiversity
21 March 2020
The International Day of Forests, taking place on 21 March, will this year focus on Forests and Biodiversity.

CEPF participated in the International forest industry conference “Climate, Future, Forests” in Riga
24 January 2020
CEPF is pleased to have had the opportunity to highlight the role of forest in changing climatic conditions and underpin the need for multifunctional forests in addressing future challenges in an event organised by Latvia’s Zaļās mājas on 22 January 2020.

Bonn hosted a discussion on governing and managing forests for multiple ecosystem services across the globe
2 March 2020
CEPF participated in a conference that addressed the current state of “integrated” forest management approaches, organised by INFORMAR and POLYFORES from 26-28 February 2020 in Bonn, Germany.

European Commission adopts the New Circular Economy Action Plan
12 March 2020
On 11 March 2020, the European Commission adopted the New Circular Economy Action Plan for a cleaner and more competitive Europe.

CEPF Feedback on the European Commission Roadmap: 2030 Climate Target Plan
14 April 2020
CEPF welcomes the EC initiative to propose an increased climate target for 2030 in line with EU’s transition towards climate neutrality by 2050 and believes that it is essential to organise the paths towards reaching this objective.

Understanding Covid-19 impact on the forest sector
28 April 2020
The outbreak of coronavirus Covid-19 presents the European forest sector with evolving challenge.

Letter | The European forestry sector must be part of the future EU COVID-19 recovery plan
5 May 2020
On 5 May 2020, CEPF, together with six organisations representing the European forestry sector, published a joint letter while the outbreak and spread of COVID-19 is having a significant impact on forests and forestry in a growing number of European regions.

Statement | The EU forest sector's role in ensuring sustainable forest management and conserving biodiversity
15 May 2020
Joint statement of 14 organisations representing forest and forest-based sectors demanding that forestry sector and the people who make sustainable forest management happen must be at the heart of the EU Biodiversity Strategy.