CEPF General Assembly 2019
7 June 2019
CEPF General Assembly 2019 took place in Lisbon, Portugal on 3 – 5 June. The annual meeting gathered together CEPF members from all over Europe and was hosted by CEPF’s Portuguese member CAP – The Portuguese Farmers’ Confederation.
European Forest Owners´ key messages to the elected Members of the European Parliament
18 July 2019
Following the EU elections in May, the new European Parliament has held its first two plenary sessions in Strasbourg. The coming months will be important to introduce European Forest Owners and explain their main messages to EU policy makers.
EU plan to step up actions against deforestation comes timely as the world’s rainforests burn
30 August 2019
Just a month after the publication of the Communication on Stepping up EU Action to Protect and Restore the World’s Forests, thousands of fires are burning in the world's biggest rainforest and in Central Africa. Implementation actions against deforestation are now the key.
Position | TEG report’s draft technical screening criteria for forestry
5 September 2019
Joint position "TEG report’s draft technical screening criteria for forestry creates legal uncertainty and ignores the long-term characteristics of forests" by CEPF, EUSTAFOR, Copa-Cogeca, CEI-Bois, CEPI, EOS and Bioenergy Europe.
CEPF seeking an EU Policy Officer
10 October 2019
CEPF is seeking an EU Policy Officer to support its work on EU policy from December 2019 to June 2020.
Statement | Multifunctional European forests are crucial to reach the objectives of a European Green Deal
11 October 2019
Joint statement by CEPF, EUSTAFOR, COPA-COGECA, CEI-Bois, CEPI, EOS,ELO, FECOF, CEETTAR, UEF and Bioenergy Europe on the role of European forests in reaching the Green Deal objectives.
Forests in the spotlight of the Finnish EU Council Presidency
22 October 2019
Finland holds the Presidency of the EU Council for the second half of 2019. Forests, as one of the priorities of the Presidency, have been discussed in several meetings and events.
On-going survey on forest ecosystem services
25 October 2019
The on-going survey of the SINCERE and InnoForESt projects, looks at the different benefits that forests and forest owners provide for society and where support is needed to enhance their delivery.
Legally Binding Agreement on Forests in Europe – towards the next step?
28 October 2019
On 31 October and 1 November, informal discussion will start again on possible negotiations on a Legally Binding Agreement (LBA) after the decision was made to transmit this file from Forest Europe to UNECE and FAO.
Biodiversity Strategies – an evolving timeline
29 October 2019
The Political Guidelines for the new European Commission have a significant impact on the EU biodiversity policy framework since the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030 is expected to be delivered as part of the European Green Deal during the first 100 days of the new Commission.
Press release | Investors won't eyeball sustainable tech without coherent framework. Can Brussels help?
22 October 2019
Joint press release on the framework of Taxonomy Regulation by CEPF, Bioenergy Europe, EUSTAFOR, CEPI, COGEN Europe, Copa-Cogeca, EBA, EOS, ePURE and EUROHEAT&POWER.
New publication on LIFE projects supporting adaptation to climate change
9 September 2019
The European Commission published a brochure, “Ready, Steady, Green!” on LIFE projects supporting new adaptation measures in the forestry and agriculture sectors.